Covid -19 and Heat
This is an interesting article from the Wall Street Journal. A hot topic. Pun intended. Will the rise in temperature have an effect on the virus or is it an effect on the virus’s hosts that may cause a…
Hopes and Fears Rise as Antibody Testing Approaches
We were supposed to receive the first of the highly anticipated Covid-19 antibody tests this week from our supplier, Henry Schein. These tests are to tell who had it and might be immune, not those who have it and may…
Zinc and Covid-19
I am fortunate to have smart physician friends, very smart physician friends and then there is Dr. Robert Haley who is in a league of his own. Robert W. Haley, M.D., is Professor of Internal Medicine and Director of…
Managing Stress and Coping with Covid-19
To say that the last few weeks have been stressful is an understatement. We have seen our world change dramatically in a short amount of time. We will get through it but how do we manage? The following was forwarded…
Food Delivery and New Chloroquine Cautions
Covid -19 is often more serious in older people. In an effort to help minimize infection risk for seniors, HEB and Favor have partnered to provide safe delivery of groceries for them at a minimal additional cost. I’ve previously…
Mask Wearing Revisited
HOW NOT TO WEAR A MASK We updated our website over the weekend and our old blog posts are being reloaded. I hope. Here is a useful article from the New York Times on how not to wear a mask.…
Covid-19 Affects Zoo Animals
Covid-19 Affects Zoo Animals I said affect them, not infect them. However, that has been proven wrong in the last 72 hours. A keeper transmitted Covid-19 to a tiger under their care at the Bronx Zoo. Care is being taken…
A Masked Affair
NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE TYPE OF MASK YOU WANT The following is a summary from The New England Journal of Medicine’s Journal Watch of the recommendation for wearing face coverings in public especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.…