The current recommended protocol which may change is: if the patient has flu like symptoms and exposed to a patient who has tested positive or traveled from endemic country they will likely be asked to go home and self-quarantine x 14days if they do not appear ill since no one has a rapid covid-19 test at this time. That may change when testing is available and has a faster turnaround time than 4 days. FYI when 2-3 potential covid -19 pts enter the ER, the ER becomes completely paralyzed with all personnel in protective suites.
I believe doctors offices, ER‘s and clinics will be the source of propagation of the virus unless patients who present with a concern about having covid19 are asked to turn around go home and self quarantine until drive-through testing is available.
It is probably a good idea to close your office to non-sick patients, but I would have a plan in place for when the patients come in to your office over the next two months and want to be tested because they have the virus.
If they’re walking and talking they should walk back home and stay indoors. If they’re fainting in the waiting room that’s a different story. Hopefully there will be drive-through testing at some point.