I just finished swabbing 15 people. Not a record, but an indication that people are being exposed to Covid 19. If the test is positive and they meet the criteria for Regen-Cov, we can send them for an infusion of antibodies if their symptoms warrant it and/or they have underlying medical conditions. This has been shown to reduce the risk for hospitalization.
How infectious is the delta variant? The average personal with the alpha variant infects two people. The average person with the delta variant infects 5. This is similar to chickenpox, but not a s bad as measles.
This is a weird country. It seems like people either don’t want vaccine or they want more vaccine. People keep asking us about boosters. While the ACIP met on July 22nd to consider boosters, there is no recommendation on that yet. They are being administered in several countries. I have been told that some people present to the pharmacy and say they haven’t been immunized to get a booster. I was surprised that this was possible since all the immunizations are supposed to be entered into the state’s website ImmTrac 2 within 24 hours and that system can be checked for past immunizations. Pharmacists tell me, however, that they don’t have the time to check the state system when someone presents requesting a vaccine because it is so slow and laborious. They check their internal system and if the patient hasn’t had one, they give it to them. They are aware of the issue and are taking steps to prevent that from happening in the future. File that under where there is a will there’s a way. Stay Tuned.