Mask Wearing Revisited
HOW NOT TO WEAR A MASK We updated our website over the weekend and our old blog posts are being reloaded. I hope. Here is a useful article from the New York Times on how not to wear a mask.…
HOW NOT TO WEAR A MASK We updated our website over the weekend and our old blog posts are being reloaded. I hope. Here is a useful article from the New York Times on how not to wear a mask.…
Covid-19 Affects Zoo Animals I said affect them, not infect them. However, that has been proven wrong in the last 72 hours. A keeper transmitted Covid-19 to a tiger under their care at the Bronx Zoo. Care is being taken…
NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE TYPE OF MASK YOU WANT The following is a summary from The New England Journal of Medicine’s Journal Watch of the recommendation for wearing face coverings in public especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.…
You may have noticed a lull in the deluge of information that you have been receiving. I know it wasn’t raining all over the country, but it seems like, at least locally, the rain dampened the amount of information being…
We keep reading/hearing news that testing capability for COVID-19 is increasing, more tests are being run, and now Abbot labs has launched a test with a turnaround time of <15 minutes. Abbot says they will be distributing on the order…
We wanted to update you on how we are handling patient visits during this time. Since doctor’s offices are exempt from the “stay at home” orders which will remain in place through the end of April, we are still here…
This is a follow up to yesterday’s post. It discusses the process for approving new tests.
The Medical Letter is published by a nonprofit foundation. It does not take money from the pharmaceutical industry. It is considered a highly reputable source of unbiased medical information. This is the type of information that physicians rely upon, rather than…
First, a definition: antigen [ˈan(t)əjən] NOUN a toxin or other foreign substance which induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies. The tests that we are doing to detect the presence of the virus are antigen…
Several patients have expressed concern about getting Covid-19 from inanimate objects. The following article was sent to me by a patient and it has what I like, good practical advice.