Covid 19 Update
My phone hasn’t been ringing as much in the last week. That’s good. We are still seeing sporadic cases but so far the surge of Omicron BA2 cases has not emerged. Most cases that I see are are diagnosed by…
My phone hasn’t been ringing as much in the last week. That’s good. We are still seeing sporadic cases but so far the surge of Omicron BA2 cases has not emerged. Most cases that I see are are diagnosed by…
I have a feeling of deja vu. The debate over whether a second booster shot is needed sounds like the debate last year about whether a first booster shot is necessary. The problem is that there is not a lot…
As expected, yesterday the FDA approved a second covid 19 booster for people age 50 and over. Here is the FDA news bulletin. FDA NEWS RELEASE Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes Second Booster Dose of Two COVID-19 Vaccines for Older…
My phone is ringing again, not as much as in January, but things seem to be heating up again. I’ve had a flurry of cases in the past week. Cases are still low but, are rising in certain parts of…
Pfizer has applied for emergency use authorization for a fourth dose for adults of it’s Covid 19 vaccine. Just because they are applying for it doesn’t mean that you have to run out and get one. Independent experts need to…
TWO YEARS OF COVID 19 It was in early March 2020 that I saw my first patient with Covid 19. We didn’t know it at the time, but that’s what he brought back from a ski trip in Colorado. According…
Masks remain unpopular in some areas and locally, it seems like few people are wearing them. Local numbers are declining , but the CDC still considers us in the HIGH LEVEL due to the hospital data. Here is an article…
First, some news about the outpatient treatment of Covid 19 with Remdesivir followed by some new guidelines on the timing of the second dose of Covid 19 vaccines. Following that is an article from today’s WSJ on BA2, the new…
It is gratifying to see numbers continue to fall, but Covid 19 is still out there and I still hear reports of patients receiving prescriptions for Ivermectin. here is the latest from the Journal of the American Medical Association. Here…
There were 1,752 cases reported yesterday. Slightly up from the previous day. The 7 days average dropped to 2,822, but the positivity rate is about 30%. Before the surge we were running a daily rate of around 200 with a…